Everyone Looks Great in a Well-Tailored Suit

Hire Toms River, NJ's preferred local tailor

Let's face it - if you want your formalwear to fit properly, you're going to need a tailor. Wagner's Tailoring Formal Wear provides top-quality tailoring services to the Toms River, NJ area. Our team will take your measurements and carefully tailor your clothing so it fits just the way you like.

If you need a suit for a friend's wedding or a night out in the town, we're here to help.

Choose a tailor with experience

No one wants to work with an inexperienced or poorly trained tailor. When you need to alter your formalwear, you'll want to hire a local tailor you can trust. Wagner's Tailoring Formal Wear has over two decades of experience providing tailoring services for weddings, funerals and other big events. We can make alterations to your:

  • Suits
  • Ties
  • Pants
  • Jeans
  • Shorts
  • Sports coats

Visit your local tailor today. We offer free consultations.